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The Encyclopaedia of Law and Literature / Enzyklopädie Recht und Literatur is published by the CRC 1385 at the Universität Münster, Germany, and edited by Thomas Gutmann, Eberhard Ortland and Klaus Stierstorfer. The copyright in the encyclopaedia as a collection and database work (Section 4, German Copyright Act [UrhG]) belongs to the editors. The copyright in the articles published in this encyclopaedia belongs to their respective authors and, if applicable, translators as indicated at the bottom of each article. The copyright in embedded (e.g. cited) works by third parties belongs, as a general rule, to their respective authors or copyright holders that can be determined following the credits provided wherever third party copyrighted material is used. The editors may not in every case have been successful in determining the current holders of copyrights in such third party works. If you think your work has not been duly credited or a required permission may not have been appropriately obtained, please contact the editors at <encyclop [at] uni-muenster [dot] de>.

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